Pulled back — living with a bare head

General Category => Polls => Topic started by: Question on 2022-07-28 19:53:53

Question: Do you think about your penis/masturbate more often since you started "pulling back" for a longer period of time?
Option 1: No, I don't think about my penis more often/Yes, I masturbate more often votes: 3
Option 2: No, I don't think about my penis more often/No, I don't masturbate more often votes: 8
Option 3: Yes, I think about my penis more often/Yes, I masturbate more often than before votes: 37
Option 4: Yes, I think about my penis more often/No, I don't masturbate more often than before votes: 31
Title: Do you think about your penis/masturbate more often since you started?
Post by: Question on 2022-07-28 19:53:53
Since I am single I am wondering if I should pulling back more often (mostly for hygiene/the looks) since there is basically no one who would care about the result.

Usually I do it for a couple of days and notice how my attention slightly drifts towards my penis more often and I basically masturbate once a day which I don't otherwise.

Just wondering if this is common or if I should give it more time, so far I always gave up, since attention is a precious good.