Pulled back — living with a bare head

General Category => Polls => Topic started by: nmh on 2021-01-02 13:13:31

Question: Before starting keeping pulled back did you use to pull back the foreskin to pee?
Option 1: Never votes: 69
Option 2: Sometime votes: 106
Option 3: Everytime votes: 225
Title: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: nmh on 2021-01-02 13:13:31
Before starting permanent retraction: Did you use to pull back your foreskin to pee?
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Daffyskin on 2021-01-02 17:44:53
Maybe not all the way, perhaps half or a third, but certainly enough to clear the hole.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Aftskin on 2021-01-03 00:18:05
I started pulling the skin back a little to expose the hole to pee at urinals when I was a teenager, to keep the foreskin from getting wet. I think I still left it forward to pee at home where I could use toilet paper to dry it.
Over the years I started exposing more of the head to pee at urinals and also at home and finally began to expose the whole head every time to pee in my mid-twenties. Five years later I was keeping it permanently exposed. So I don't think I have pissed through my foreskin even once since maybe 2005. I usually still use a sheet of toilet paper to dry the head when i'm at home though.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Nivek on 2021-01-03 03:51:54
Hey... I too, when younger used to pull the foreskin back to expose the hole when peeing. Not the whole head. Nowadays Im pulled back. After peeing I give it a few shakes, or if I'm at home, I wipe with a piece of tissue.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: thesevenpointfive on 2021-01-03 14:03:46
Yes i did pull back when peeing, found it easier for some reason.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: guest4003 on 2021-01-03 20:01:29
Yes before I even started keeping it constantly retracted
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: lvprcm on 2021-01-05 22:13:58
Almost always, from earliest memory. It seemed almost automatic. Not sure why, I would do it so habitually or I was taught.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: lyf on 2021-01-08 19:35:53
It was the norm to pull back for peeing.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Wsmman on 2021-01-13 15:29:44
My dad told me to always retract when peeing as it would improve the aim. I've never understood how anyone can pee through the foreskin. It must be very messy!
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Aftskin on 2021-01-15 04:30:40
Quote from: Wsmman on 2021-01-13 15:29:44
My dad told me to always retract when peeing as it would improve the aim. I've never understood how anyone can pee through the foreskin. It must be very messy!

I never had any issue with aim. No messes. Actually I have to be more careful now peeing retracted because if the pee slit has got stuck together slightly with precum, the first second of pee can get a small second stream off at random angle before the pee force unsticks the slit sides fully. To avoid this I usually give the top and bottom of the slit a quick squeeze together before I start. This forces the sides apart, unsticking them if they are stuck together. Using the foreskin, this temporary, fine secondary stream would be deflected back into the main stream before exiting the foreskin.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Ipsquint on 2021-01-24 22:27:01
I couldn't pull my foreskin back until I was 14. I remember at primary school we used to line up at the urinal and see who could pee the furthest up the wall. I never won because 2 boys used to pull their foreskin back and the stream went right up the wall. When I could pull my foreskin back I pulled it back now and again. Since getting balanitis I always retract to pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: eh on 2021-01-26 17:34:07
Quote from: Ipsquint on 2021-01-24 22:27:01
I couldn't pull my foreskin back until I was 14. I remember at primary school we used to line up at the urinal and see who could pee the furthest up the wall. I never won because 2 boys used to pull their foreskin back and the stream went right up the wall. When I could pull my foreskin back I pulled it back now and again. Since getting balanitis I always retract to pee.
I can not pee infront of others as I use to get an erection which means no peeing.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: ashmaster1121 on 2021-01-26 21:26:52
before i started pulling back i kept it down when peeing but now i keep it back and much prefer it  ;)
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: DarkFox on 2021-01-29 00:51:27
Guys, reading all of your answers made me realize I learned how to properly pee only in his early 20s :D
I honestly thought it was normal to keep the glans covered when peeing. Given how most public toilets are messy, there must be a ton of other guys who don't know they'll aim better if they retracted their foreskins...
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Kylar on 2021-01-29 12:46:20
Quote from: DarkFox on 2021-01-29 00:51:27
Guys, reading all of your answers made me realize I learned how to properly pee only in his early 20s :D
I honestly thought it was normal to keep the glans covered when peeing. Given how most public toilets are messy, there must be a ton of other guys who don't know they'll aim better if they retracted their foreskins...

I don't think either is more proper - for the longest time my stream was way more reliable covered than not. People will leave a mess no matter what, and I heard horror stories from people using women's bathrooms, and cleaning both, too.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: JP789112 on 2021-01-29 13:19:46
Personally, I've got myself into the habit of sitting given that I was tired of the constant need of cleaning — and, since I live by myself and am the sole responsible for the housekeeping, I want to maintain things clean for the longest possible time. Sometimes I'll be retracted, sometimes not, but it won't make a significant difference (at home, at least).

When I'm out, though, I'd say it's 50/50 depending on the situation.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: ewiz on 2021-01-30 20:29:09
It is told to pee with foreskin pulled back since childhood. If it is non retractable then atleast pee hole should be exposed to pee. I have seen my friends and cousins pulling back to pee. Most of them used to have fully exposed glans by 9-10. It used to be great fun to see each others members while peeing.
Even females know that. I remember one of my cousin at that time 10 or 11 needed assistance to pee as he was badly injured. So his elder sister took him to bathroom and pulled his foreskin back to pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: marcelino on 2021-06-08 19:26:42
It has been 2 years that I pull back for peeing and even sit. I am a bit of a hygiene-psycho so I find it better for :

- cleaner for everyone because we do not control where the stream goes with the skin on ...
- cleaner for me because no pee on my foreskin, just need to wipe the hole and far less pee flavor for BJ. Furthermore the last drop, how frustrating is this ! I found a way to avoid that forever, see below.

- First trying to pull back and I began to get used to it and try drying my glans out of peeing in order to masturbate and solely rely on it for 2 years, pure pleasure.

- now I find it difficult to pee with the skin on, I need to really contract my sphincter muscles rather being relaxed.

P.S. It seems very well known in anglo-saxon countries but not mine, so here is an excerpt of the technique I use every single time and I'm done with that drop !

"To empty this residual urine, the reported most effective method is called "urethral milking". To do this, take your index finger and place it in the area between your scrotum and your rectum. Apply gently pressure and move your finger forward, up over the scrotum, and to the base of your penis, effectively draining any liquid that remains. Do this 3 times and then 'milk' your penis, gently squeezing from the base to the tip."
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: dude101 on 2021-06-09 18:07:53
Man this poll... childhood nightmare relived.. :(

I had a very tight foreskin and couldn't retract if I knew I could retract which I didn't until my early teens. The old man never bothered to tell me anything about my manhood.

When I did finally realize there was something under the foreskin it took me awhile (years) to comfortably retract.

I spent probably most of my childhood and pre-teens being ashamed of pissing with the skin down. While other boys were happily pissing on and aiming at everything they could because they were cut or had practice retracting from a young age.

Rolling back and pissing would have been amazing back then. I remember even getting the shit kicked out of me by some older boys in the bathroom that saw me pissing with the skin down. Seriously.

My how times change. I remember coming across one of those pricks during college. I was with 2 gorgeous girls at a college frat party and one was feeling my junk through my pants. As he walked by he just starred at me with envy. I flipped him the bird as he walked by. Punk.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: pelagian on 2021-06-12 10:23:27
I think it's what gets a lot of guys started on permanent retraction. They pull back to pee, then either forget to replace it, or leave it back 'just to see', and realize how good it is! I saw a mate do this once - he'd pulled back, and then put it away in his pants with his helmet exposed. When I remarked on it, he said he always did so, and the foreskin would eventually slip forward.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: CuriousSkinner on 2021-06-13 14:52:37
I was never taught to do this by my dad and therefore never did it. But sometimes did find the stream wasn't as controlled. When I started retracting (part timer) I started to pull back mainly to try and help stretch out my foreskin as it was more on the tight side but also to help keep the glans more dry and I do think it worked. I had a few embarrassing erections and instances where it got a bit stuck to begin with, but now I do it every time without issue.  I find it works really well. Nobody has ever commented to be fair.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: bobenc0 on 2021-06-14 13:36:18
Ever since I was able to pull my skin back I always used to pull it back when piss, and it became a habit for life.
If I try to piss through the skin it makes such a mess around...if I do it I must be sitting on the toilet..but it feels warm tho 😁
The aim is times more accurate and one single stream instead of some messy sprayer 🤣
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Sebastian on 2021-06-30 22:27:20
Before pulling back the foreskin would get stuck together and when I peed it was like a sprayer it was really messy.
Now that i started pulling back its a nice stream.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: TipsOut on 2021-07-12 23:00:34
I never really pulled back when I'd go. I think I tried a couple of times when I was younger, but every time I pulled back it was erection time. Couldn't stand that. I just wanted to have it back all the time but the constant erections wouldn't let me actually go. It was super sensitive for me when I was younger. It wasn't until my thirties when I just started to keep it back a lot of the time and then the sensitivity went away over time when it is in contact with clothing.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Uncutlad on 2021-08-12 17:47:22
Always at the urinals. Pulled back the full way. You can pee a bit freely without the worry of it splashing everywhere.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: shortskin on 2021-08-12 18:40:44
Tried peeing by pulling back as teenager. But I used to get erect doing as soon my glans get exposed. So stopped doing it. 
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Uncutlad on 2021-08-13 08:29:06
The longer I've stayed retracted the better my aim has been. Don't even have to shake my dick as much after. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: CuriousSkinner on 2021-08-13 22:34:04
Quote from: shortskin on 2021-08-12 18:40:44
Tried peeing by pulling back as teenager. But I used to get erect doing as soon my glans get exposed. So stopped doing it.

That does go off after a while though I found. I had that problem a lot to begin with!
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: pb247 on 2021-12-04 18:44:17
I could not retract my foreskin until I was about 12. So till then  I would pull just to reveal the hole. After it became retractable I used to pee by fully exposing the helmet. I did this because all my friends used to do the same and I wanted to fit in.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Cut893 on 2021-12-04 21:44:22
So since I discovered my school friend was cut, and I discovered I could pull my skin back although it would not stay back, I skinned back to pee. So when I got cut it was still the same, but I now have a PA and the pee is split like a foreskin pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: sandy_99 on 2021-12-31 15:02:20
Ever since I can remember, my father and mother have taught me to pull the foreskin all the way back when I pee. I also can't remember a time when my foreskin was not retractable. So I always pulled it all the way back and usually put it back in my pants. Then always went forward again by itself over the glans.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: camchain on 2022-01-07 12:16:53
All the time, it's always pulled back, awesome feeling
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: nudeglans on 2022-01-10 20:34:39
After I made my foreskin retractable I always pulled the foreskin to pee. In school our urinal never had partition so everyone was pretty much exposed while peeing. I observed that most of my friends pulled back to pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: extapalataquetle on 2022-01-12 08:28:37
Quote from: DarkFox on 2021-01-29 00:51:27
Guys, reading all of your answers made me realize I learned how to properly pee only in his early 20s :D
I honestly thought it was normal to keep the glans covered when peeing. Given how most public toilets are messy, there must be a ton of other guys who don't know they'll aim better if they retracted their foreskins...

OMG this was EXACTLY my case too!
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: PermanetlyBareKnob on 2022-01-13 04:15:03
When I was very young, my foreskin fully covered my glans with overhang, and I didn't retract at all to pee. It was a bit messy, but I didn't know any better.  Eventually I learned to retract just enough to expose the meatus for a better stream.

Sometime after I started pulling back intermittently and my penis started ground in puberty, my foreskin no longer covered my entire glans, so I didn't need to pull back to pee anymore, since half my glans including my meatus was naturally exposed.

Now I wear my foreskin fully retracted, so my glans is fully exposed when I pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: cleaner on 2022-02-15 20:20:55
Ever since mine became retractable I always pulled foreskin all the way back as as much as I can to pee. Although I had few instances of getting embarrassing erection initially but it eventually ended.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: rimtutituki on 2022-02-16 15:07:26
When I was in my teens I had phimosis and never pulled back when peeing. And I often had rash on my foreskin caused by urin. Now I always pull back all the way and no problems. :)
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: scotsguy27 on 2022-03-10 12:15:47
It depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I pull back fully, sometimes I just pull back to expose the tip so it doesnt go everywhere.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: glans on 2022-03-14 19:27:42
Ever since I was partially circumcised I always pulled back my foreskin to pee.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: bryan on 2022-04-04 10:47:34
Ever since I am pulled back on a full-time basis and also while peeing, I noticed that I don't dribble anymore and can really get a good, clean and complete piss. It helps that I press against my taint beneath my balls after pissing  to empty out my bladder.

I used to dribble so much after I rolled my foreskin forward that I wanted to start Kegel exercises. Glad that being pulled back has kept me clean and dry
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Nivek on 2022-04-09 15:30:27
You're lucky in that sense. I can't help but get a split stream, which is very annoying.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: lmea14 on 2022-04-09 23:16:49
I've always done this, for as long as the foreskin's been mobile. And TP'd to dry it off. I remember getting made fun of at school for doing that. Not pulling your foreskin back to piss - unless the stream has a totally clear path out - is gross.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: shiny on 2022-06-26 19:56:11
When I was very young I had a overhanging foreskin so mother always told me to pull a little bit to expose the meatus as it was non retractable at that time. By 12 it was fully retractable so I used to fully expose my glans to pee. As far as I remember in school I and my friends would expose as much as we can and pee. Sometimes it led to semi erection and was highly embarrassing.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: skinned on 2022-08-06 18:58:10
I had a tight foreskin but I was taught to expose the meatus to pee. But I have seen others peeing with glans exposed.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: wolf77 on 2022-08-19 12:25:53
I retract the foreskin a little before I urinate. I find it easier to keep things clean and dry down there if I do it that way.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: shroomhead on 2022-08-24 22:13:34
always fully retracted head exposed when peeing.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Nivek on 2023-09-20 10:38:39
Recently, I was urinating next to a very handsome man and I couldn't resist but sneak a peak. He penis was out while he was busy on his phone. His whole head was exposed, and it was pink and shiny. This definitely means he's uncircumcised right?

Being hands free with the head exposed, I think he must have been regularly  pulled back rather than just retracting while urinating. But if he's regularly pulled back, how did he maintain a pink shiny head? Interesting!
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: CuriousSkinner on 2023-09-25 19:40:49
Yeah I would say he sounds like he has pulled back, at least to pee. I wish you knew the answer!
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: alamakota on 2023-11-29 18:32:46
It's really weird. Everyone tell they have better control when they pee pulled back. Meanwhile I pee normally with foreskin, spray pee widely with skin behind the glans, and completely lose control with skin pulled further down.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: smc13lmao on 2023-11-30 12:50:28
Quote from: alamakota on 2023-11-29 18:32:46
It's really weird. Everyone tell they have better control when they pee pulled back. Meanwhile I pee normally with foreskin, spray pee widely with skin behind the glans, and completely lose control with skin pulled further down.

I'm in a similar boat, I used to keep it fully forward, to use the foreskin as a "buffer" to combine the streams to all go in one direction.

Recently I've been exposing just the hole, to avoid irritation from going back and forth from covered to uncovered multiple times per day.

There's also the flow speed / rate to consider. Usually a wild multiple stream will combine into a thicker stable stream once you start peeing at full force. Maybe I just urinate too often so I usually don't need to go.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: Kylar on 2023-11-30 23:55:51
Quote from: smc13lmao on 2023-11-30 12:50:28
I'm in a similar boat, I used to keep it fully forward, to use the foreskin as a "buffer" to combine the streams to all go in one direction.

Recently I've been exposing just the hole, to avoid irritation from going back and forth from covered to uncovered multiple times per day.

There's also the flow speed / rate to consider. Usually a wild multiple stream will combine into a thicker stable stream once you start peeing at full force. Maybe I just urinate too often so I usually don't need to go.

Yeah, pretty much this.

I do find it combines slightly better when I pull the skin further down the shaft so that it pulls a bit on the head too.  But often the best is just to cover up as completely as possible and let the foreskin do its job.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: prepuceplay on 2024-03-15 16:17:52
If I let my foreskin flip back over my pee-hole. my stream is wthout direction and splashes everywhere. Anyway, an exposed head and hole is a much better viewng experience
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: CuriousSkinner on 2024-03-15 22:06:03
Yeah to be honest I thought I had more control pulled back. It also served as a good opportunity to make progress with getting used to pulling back more when I first started. I do also think its a bit cleaner to pull back first. But you have me thinking now, I can't honestly remember the last time I peed rolled forwards so I think that I will have to give that a go again and see.
Title: Re: Pulled back while peeing
Post by: rubbercock on 2024-04-19 08:25:11
I answered Never because I wasn't able to pull back my foreskin until the age of 11. It was when I first succeeded in retracting it that I decided I wanted to keep it pulled back, which I did for 20 years and then I got circumcised.